Archive of posts with tag 'libgdx'
Our resources manager and how it helped in localizing Clash of the Olympians
Our solution to handle multiple screen sizes in Android – Part two
Decoupling game logic from input handling logic
Drawing a projectile trajectory like Angry Birds using LibGDX
Android and Desktop games internationalization using Java and LibGDX
Implementing transitions between screens
Toasting with LibGDX Scene2D and Animation4j
Modifying textures using libGDX Pixmap in runtime - Explained
Detecting collisions using libGDX Pixmap
Modifying textures using libGDX Pixmap in runtime
Testing Android controls on libGDX PC application using libGDX remote
Simplifying building bodies and joints with libGDX Box2D - 2
Simplifying building bodies and joints with libGDX Box2D