Super Flying Thing - Update 01
A new version of Super Flying Thing was released, here is a screenshot:
And here a list of changes:
- Improved a bit controls to be less sensible (keeps being a bit hard on Android though).
- Added six simple levels on Challenge mode, created using Inkscape.
- Changed the obstacles to be filled now, as you see on the screenshot, also the planets.
- Added in game basic instructions.
- Added a pause screen where you can restart level or ask to show instructions again
- Added a game over screen shown when you die playing Challenge mode, not 100% sure about how it stops the gameplay
Some stuff for debugging purposes:
- Toggle controls customization window by pressing 0, this window lets you customize ship’s movement values like acceleration, etc.
- Take screenshots by pressing 9 (saved on your tmp folder).
- Toggle FPS by pressing 8
- Toggle Box2D debug renderer by pressing 7
Now, if you want to play it, links again:
We will be trying some new stuff on the next days like moving obstacles and others.
That’s all for now, hope you like the game and enjoy playing it.