After some years of Ludum Dare (LD from now on) inactivity, we decided to participate in LD #38 Jam. And when I say we I mean Rubén and I! Of course, since we are great artists, we joined forces with Thony, a young artist who is really really good (just open the link and see it by yourself).

The theme of this LD was “A small world” and our game was Pigs Mayhem in Space:

After iterating over a thousand ideas (yeah, I like to exaggerate, they were only 999) the first day, we ended up with a 3d, turn by turn game where you have to use projectiles and physics to kill the other players (like Worms). This is one of the first concept:

And this is the how the game looked at the end:

Play the game!

Small post mortem

The bad

  • It took us a lot of time to define the game, and that means we did a lot of work on stuff we didn’t use.
  • We didn’t spend time polishing the controls and when we wanted it was already too late. That affected a lot the game experience.

The good

  • We were aligned with the game we wanted to do and with almost every decision.
  • The art style was quickly defined and without setbacks. It helped a lot to visualize the final game.
  • Working together was really smooth, the game was first and all decisions were to make the game better.


Even though Rubén and I work together at Ironhide, we are not in the same team and even though we share stuff between projects, I missed a lot working directly with him in the same project, since, you know, we fight discuss a lot but the results are always better 🙂

This was my first time working with Thony (Rubén and Thony work in the same team at Ironhide) and it was prety awesome. He has good control on 3d tools and Unity and does great 2d art (the game proves it!).

As always, it was a great experience, it helped on exercising the creative process of developing games and learning how different kind of games are made.


The game at itchio

Our Ludum Dare 38 Jam Entry

Thony’s ArtStation page

Some visual references