Super Flying Thing - Update 04
More updates, yay!!, here is the magic list:
- Added an animated background with the game playing on all menu screens.
- Added nicer animation for the stars.
- Added nicer level buttons (nicer than the white rectangle at least).
- Added fonts for x-small resolution devices like Xperia X10 mini, for instructions screen mainly, thanks @deepinthewoods for reporting that (resizing current fonts didn’t work so well).
- Changed a bit the Ship 3D animation.
- Changed again, on Android, to touch the screen to release the ship, but you cannot release the ship while the camera is moving to the starting planet.
- Fixed a bug on Android when the level started and the ship automatically collided with the obstacles, and when you release the next ship, the game explodes.
- Fixed level list to start on level 1 not level 0, thanks @tom_orozco for reporting that.
- Fixed some bugs when touching BACK key on Android devices, you could exit the game if you pressed it too quickly.
(note: if you want, you can follow commit history here)
Remember, you can play it right now, just follow the next links:
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